Thursday, September 15

The Next Green Grocery Frontier

Three ambitious Austinites strive to create an eco-friendly environment proposing their cutting edge ideas in hopes that their fellow Austinites will support them and help reduce the production of packaged waste. The Texas Tribune produced an article on July 8, 2011 explaining in depth what these young minds have in store for our community.
The Lane Brothers campaign to open the first “zero-waste, package free” grocery store here in Austin, Texas. Their intent is to create a store made up of only recycled products. For example, laundry detergent will be produced from left over goat milk shavings processed at a farm east of Dallas. Not only will all the grocery store products offered to Austinites be recycled, but we will all become eco-friendly shoppers as well! Shoppers will either bring recycled boxes or their personal canvas bags. This will drop the amount of plastic waste for bagging to zero percent in grocery stores!
While the Lane Brothers have all the motivation and just over sixty percent of their overall financial goal, their supporters are what will make the difference. It is crucial that we educate ourselves on our environmental status so that we can help make that difference.

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